Tag Archives: hardgainer

Review: Jack3d USP Labs (With DMAA)

12 Oct

Everyone who has heard about pre-workouts would have surely heard about the number one selling pre-workout called Jack3d. It was the number one selling pre-workout on BodyBuilding.com for a while before it was banned in the USA. Everything I base my purchases on I do a significant amount of research into peoples first hand experience and also how it ranks against the Top 50 selling supplements on BodyBuilding.com which is the biggest fitness and bodybuilding site in the world . Anyway at the time all the hype was behind this product called Jack3d.

Before using pre-workouts I would basically just hit up a couple spoons of  coffee and just skull it before a workout. Anyway moving one I decided to make the step and purchase this pre-workout. At the time it cost me around $50 picked it up in the original flavour (cannot remember). After reading the recommended dosage I mixed up my first dose of Jacked. Took around 20 mins for it to feel anything and the first thing that hits is that tingling sensation on your skin. Some say its annoying but for some reason I kind of liked it. Hit the gym and I just couldnt wake to pick up the weights. I used to for 2 weeks before it didnt have any effect on me at all. I thought it was a bust but people sweard by it. Anyway after that I decided to try a number of other famous pre-workouts. Some of those included Mesomorph, Craze, No Xplode, MP Assualt and Cellucor C4.

After a while looking at the amount of money I spend on the pre-workouts and what it would cost me I decided to take a break from it. Some of the other pre-workouts which I just mentioned did work but also had some negatives which would make me switch or stop all together. After apporximately 6 months without taking any sort of pre-workout I decided to use it again and this time since the hype with Jack3d was still strong I thought I would give it another try. I purchased the green apple flavour which was very nice and easy to drink, I never exceeded 1 scoop with approximately 250mls of cold water and only took it on workout days. Without fail it would push me through my workouts and the amount of weights I would be pushing steadily increased. It took around 40 mins for it be in full effect but it did what it claimed. This time I finished the whole tub and unfortunately only purchased the one tub before the DMAA ban came in and it would no longer be purchased. Now its not available here in Australia but I new version called Jack3d Micro is available which I have yet to try. How I rate Jack3d is below –

Taste – 8/10

Effectivness – 9/10

Value – 9/10

Overall – 9/10

My Workout Regime

10 Oct

Ok so here it is. Checked my weight earlier today and clocked in at 86kgs which is 189 pounds. Couldn’t measure my body fat but im assuming its pretty high. I’m sure I mentioned it previously but my heigh is 5 ft 11. Went to the gym today after a number of weeks off and what a struggle that was. My strength was at an all time low and my motivations level dwindled. Anyway I managed to push through and got a decent workout in. I’ve read numerous articles about workouts and the one I base my workouts on is one created by Dr Jim Stoppani but slightly altered. The program goes for 2 days on 1 day off 2days on and then 2 days off. Check it out –


Incline Barbell Bench Press 4×10

Flat Bench Press 4×10

Cable Flys 3×10

Chest Press 3×10

Dips 3xMax

Bicep 21’s 3×10

Hammer Curls 3×10

Seated Curls 3×10


Pull-ups 3xMax

Military Press 4×10

Cable Shoulder Press 4×10

Side Latteral Raises 4×10

Front Raises 4×10

Shrugs 4×10

Tricep kickbacks 4×10

Tricep pulldowns 4×10

Tricep Seated Extension 4×10


Pull-ups 3xMax/Calves

Dumbbell Rows 4×10

Lat Pulldown 4×10

Lat Row 4×10

Bent Over Rows 4×10

Calf Raises 4×10

Calf Press 4×10


Squats 4×10

Single Leg Press 4×10

Lying Hamstring Curl 4×10

Leg Extension 4×10

Bicep Curls 4×10

Seated Bicep Curl 4×10

Seated Bicep Curl 4×10

Other Days are cardio and abs.

Starting Fresh

10 Oct

Well I havent posted in a while. Been busy with exams and lost some motivation to workout. I have attempted to keep writing in this blog to keep me motivated with training and hopefully I can share my experience with you guys. I weighed myself after having a number of weeks off which consisted of unsufficient sleept and a whole lot of junk good, supprisingly my weight has decreased and im weighing in at 86kgs. This might have something to do with my body type being an Ectomorph. Anyway next up I will put up my proposed workout regime.

About Me

27 Aug

Let me introduce myself to you guys. I am an amateur fitness enthusiast who has commenced light training on and off for a number of months. Im also naturally a hardgainer otherwise known as an ectomorph so obtaning bulk has always been a substantial challange. The main idea behind this blog was to document my training regime following popular programs from the website BodyBuilding.com. I’ve decided to modify some of their programs and highlight my daily regiment to track my progress. Being Indonesian I would also like to offer advice and tips for anyone who is also a hardgainer.